The vibrant city of Jaipur witnessed the grand inauguration of the first Rajasthan Cine Festival, a celebration of Rajasthani cinema organized by NK Mittal and LS Films. The event, held at Hotel Maya International in Khas Kothi, saw the gathering of numerous personalities associated with Rajasthani cinema, marking the commencement of a four-day extravaganza from December 28 to 31.
The festival promises continuous entertainment for Rajasthani cinema enthusiasts, featuring film screenings, live music concerts, fashion shows, award ceremonies, cultural presentations, and open-air discos.
Civil Lines MLA Gopal Sharma, serving as the chief guest, formally inaugurated the Rajasthan Cine Festival. He congratulated the organizers, NK Mittal and LS Films, for their efforts to propel Rajasthani cinema forward.
Sharma expressed his long-standing desire to elevate Rajasthani cinema and praised the festival as a platform that will contribute to achieving that goal.