How Covid-19, H3N2 influenza, and Malaria are different

Amidst the spurt in viral flu infections, it can be challenging to distinguish whether the fever and body aches experienced by individuals are caused by Covid-19, H3N2 influenza, or mosquito-borne malaria. While Covid-19 is anticipated to be on the verge of becoming an endemic pandemic, the country recently witnessed a huge spike in cases of […]

How Covid-19, H3N2 influenza, and Malaria are different

Amidst the spurt in viral flu infections, it can be challenging to distinguish whether the fever and body aches experienced by individuals are caused by Covid-19, H3N2 influenza, or mosquito-borne malaria. While Covid-19 is anticipated to be on the verge of becoming an endemic pandemic, the country recently witnessed a huge spike in cases of H3N2 influenza as well. And, once the monsoon hits the ground, malaria might start to pose a surging risk in the days ahead.Despite the different modes of transmission, the primary symptoms of these illnesses are similar, starting with fever and body aches. However, closely monitoring the varying symptoms with slight differences can be beneficial in distinguishing between Covid-19, H3N2 influenza, and malaria.

Factors that differentiate
Covid-19, H3N2 influenza, and
Malaria from each other

1. Transmission mode: Malaria is distinct from Covid-19 and H3N2 in that it is not transmitted from one individual to another. This is because the Plasmodium parasite that causes malaria is spread via bites from infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. In contrast, the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for Covid-19 primarily spreads through respiratory droplets, while the H3N2 influenza virus can spread through both respiratory droplets and contact with contaminated surfaces.

2. Symptoms that make the difference: Besides some similar symptoms like fever, headache, and body ache, there are also a multitude of symptoms that differ significantly in the case of three. With malaria, prominent symptoms include chills, muscle pain, nausea, and vomiting, among others, and if left untreated, they can turn severe and debilitating, resulting in complications such as anaemia, kidney failure, and cerebral malaria, which can be life-threatening. Whereas in the cases of COVID-19 and H3N2 influenza, fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, and runny nose are the primary symptoms. However, COVID-19 also presents with additional symptoms such as loss of taste or smell and shortness of breath.

3. Incubation period: The duration of the incubation period plays a crucial role in distinguishing between these illnesses. Covid-19 symptoms usually manifest between 2 and 14 days following exposure, with an average incubation time of 5–6 days. In contrast, the H3N2 flu virus has an incubation period of 1-4 days, whereas malaria’s incubation period can extend from 7 days to multiple months.

4. Treatment methods: The modalities of treating Covid-19, malaria, and H3N2 influenza differ significantly owing to the distinct aetiologies of these diseases. Malaria is typically treated with antimalarial medications and effective measures to contain mosquito spread. In contrast, Covid-19 necessitates a multipronged approach, including medication, supportive care, and vaccination. On the other hand, H3N2 influenza is managed using antiviral agents along with symptomatic treatment to alleviate fever, cough, and sore throat.

5. Tests that determine the infection: To determine the kind of infection responsible for similar symptoms in three different diseases, there are distinguished diagnostic tests available. The most commonly used method to detect malaria is the microscopic examination of blood smears, which is based on the detection of the malaria parasite in red blood cells. Alternatively, rapid diagnostic tests that detect malaria antigens in blood samples are widely used due to their ease of use and rapid turnaround time.
The diagnosis of H3N2 influenza is typically made using antigen tests that detect the viral antigen in respiratory secretions, while PCR-based assays can provide more accurate results.

In contrast, the diagnosis of Covid-19 relies heavily on PCR-based tests that detect viral RNA in respiratory secretions.

In conclusion
With the continuous emergence of fatal infections affecting numerous lives, discerning between Covid-19, H3N2 influenza, and malaria can be challenging due to their overlapping symptoms. Most importantly, consulting a doctor the moment these symptoms persist for a certain period of time is essential.



The author is a Senior Consultant and deals in Geriatric Medicine.

