Childhood calcium deficiency: Signs & impacts

In today’s fast-paced life, parents often find it challenging to focus on the holistic development of their children. This can lead to children facing various health issues and challenges in the future. Calcium deficiency is also commonly observed in children these days. Adequate calcium is essential for the construction and strength of children’s bones, ensuring […]

Childhood calcium deficiency: Signs & impacts

In today’s fast-paced life, parents often find it challenging to focus on the holistic development of their children. This can lead to children facing various health issues and challenges in the future. Calcium deficiency is also commonly observed in children these days. Adequate calcium is essential for the construction and strength of children’s bones, ensuring they don’t encounter bone-related problems as they grow older. Sufficient calcium is necessary for the dental strength of children as well. Calcium also helps protect children from a condition called rickets, where bones become soft and hinder proper bone development. Due to this, children may experience occasional muscle pain, and the risk of fractures also increases.

Calcium requirements vary with age:
1. Children aged 1 to 3 years need approximately 700 milligrams of calcium per day.
2. Children aged 4 to 8 years need around 1000 milligrams of calcium daily.
3. Children aged 9 years and older require about 1300 milligrams of calcium per day.

Premature birth, underweight baby, maternal diabetes, low oxygen levels in the baby, infections, stress due to severe illness, and insufficient vitamin D intake can lead to calcium deficiency. Genetic disorders like DiGeorge syndrome can also cause a deficiency in calcium.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency include:
1. Weakness of teeth
2. Dry and lifeless hair and skin
3. Brittle or weak nails
4. Low mental concentration, feeling indifferent
5. Loss of appetite, weakened immune system
6. Issues like fainting or seizures due to poor oxygen supply to the brain
7. Muscular cramps or pain
8. Tingling sensation in the fingers and toes
9. Weakness in children’s teeth
10. Unusual behavior in children, excessive anger, restlessness.

Treatment options for calcium deficiency include:
1. Calcium supplements can be prescribed based on medical advice.
2. Include high-calcium foods in the child’s diet such as milk, yogurt, almonds, sesame seeds, paneer (cottage cheese), broccoli, salmon fish, eggs, etc.
3. Ensure exposure to sunlight in the morning for vitamin D, as it helps in increasing calcium absorption.

The author is the Sr. Orthopaedic Doctor at Welton Hospital.

