Manvi Madhu Kashyap, hailing from a small village in Bhagalpur, Bihar, has achieved a historic milestone by becoming India’s first transgender sub-inspector. The Bihar Police also appointed two transgender men and one transgender woman as sub-inspectors, marking a significant step towards inclusivity.
The announcement came after the results of the Bihar Police Sub-Inspector exam were declared on Tuesday, bringing immense joy to the newly appointed officers. Among them, Kashyap’s inclusion in the final list was particularly poignant.
#WATCH | Patna, Bihar: Manvi Madhu Kashya becomes the first transwoman Sub-Inspector of India.
Related News— ANI (@ANI) July 10, 2024
Reflecting on her journey, Manvi Madhu Kashyap expressed her emotions after the results, stating, “I have faced numerous challenges, but today, it all feels worthwhile. Many institutions rejected me, fearing I would disrupt the environment. Despite my aspirations for education, opportunities were scarce. However, this institute changed my life for the better. I owe my success to the unwavering support of my family.”
This historic step not only recognizes the capabilities of transgender individuals but also highlights Bihar’s progressive approach towards fostering diversity and equal opportunities within its law enforcement agencies. Kashyap’s achievement is a testament to perseverance and determination in overcoming societal barriers, paving the way for greater inclusivity in India’s workforce.