Isha Ambani was recently spotted enjoying an outing with her mother, Nita Ambani, and their friends. The 33-year-old entrepreneur chose a simple floral-printed outfit for the occasion. However, the cost of her ensemble is far from ordinary. Here’s a closer look at the staggering price tag.
Isha is seen wearing Miu Miu’s luxury outfit. It comprises a skirt and blouse set. Both of these have hefty price tags. The top, referred to as the Embroidered sablé top, costs $7,600. That would amount to ₹6,51,924. The skirt is priced at $6,300, which comes out to approximately ₹5,40,411. Together, it adds up to a mind-boggling ₹11,92,335.
More on Isha Ambani’s Look
Isha’s terracotta-colored outfit is intricately handmade with floral embroidery. Its light fabric and sophisticated detailing make it a perfect choice for an elegant evening. The blouse has a round neckline, full-length sleeves cinched at the cuffs, and a relaxed silhouette, tucked into the skirt for a polished appearance.
The midi skirt sported a high-rise waist and a gathered design on the front, a flowing silhouette, and a hemline that added a touch of grace to it. With chic black stilettos and gold hoop earrings, the look was well complemented.
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For makeup, Isha has opted for darkened brows, nude brown lips, minimal eye shadow, rouge-tinted cheeks, and loose hair done in a side parting.
Nita Ambani in Navy Blue Silk Saree
Nita Ambani looked elegant in a navy blue silk saree with intricate silver floral embroidery and broad borders. She wore a matching silk blouse and accessorized with a layered necklace, diamond earrings, an elegant bracelet, and statement rings. Her hair was loose, side-parted waves, bindi, mauve lipstick, blushed cheeks, darkened brows, and mascara completed her look.
The mother and the daughter proved quite fashionable and had a great stylish outing.