Filmmaker Hansal Mehta unveiled the trailer for his upcoming thriller series ‘Lootere’ on Wednesday. Serving as the showrunner, Mehta is excited to present this gripping narrative. The series stars Rajat Kapoor, Vivek Gomber, Amruta Khanvilkar, and Aamir Ali in pivotal roles, with Rajat Kapoor also directing the series. Produced by Shailesh R Singh, ‘Lootere’ follows Rajat Kapoor as a ship captain grappling with a criminal legacy. The trailer offers a tantalizing glimpse into a world where survival means navigating a deadly web of crimes.
Mehta shared his thoughts on the show, highlighting its unique setting and expansive storyline. He expressed his intention to captivate the audience with a tale of power and greed spiraling into an international hijacking crisis, while also exploring the crew’s efforts to escape it. Director Jai Mehta echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the film’s aim to redefine the traditional hijacking genre by providing a nuanced depiction of the victims, pirates, and the people of Somalia.
Lead actor Rajat Kapoor described his experience working on ‘Lootere’ as an adventure, particularly relishing his role as the ship captain. He praised the camaraderie among the cast and crew, likening them to a family during their time filming in South Africa. ‘Lootere’ promises to deliver a riveting viewing experience, combining thrilling escapades with emotional depth.
The series is set to premiere on Disney+ Hotstar on March 22, promising audiences an unforgettable journey into the world of ‘Lootere’.
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