Cobra, directed by Chiyaan Vikram, premiered in theatres on August 31 in different languages. Fans and critics have been griping about the movie’s three-hour running time ever since the initial showing. In response to the feedback, Cobra’s producers declared that the movie had been trimmed by 20 minutes. The reduced version of Cobra will start playing in theatres this evening, September 1.
The film’s creators believed that it might be trimmed to better appeal to the audience based on both fan and critical reviews. “We Heard You! #Cobra is now Trimmed by 20 Mins as suggested by film-goers, fans, media friends, distributors, and exhibitors,” according to Seven Screen Studio’s official Twitter account. All the screens will have an update starting this evening. “Do see the movie and show your support for it.”
Their statement read, “Any movie is a form of entertainment specifically curated to cheer audiences and make them enjoy the cinematic experience. It’s of great happiness to the team if the content delivered is worth the audience’s time and ticket money. We heard you! Cobra is now trimmed by 20 minutes as suggested by film-goers, fans, our media friends, distributors, and exhibitors. Now, watch the trimmed version of Cobra from this evening in all shows across Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Karnataka and Kerala. Do watch in theatres and support (sic).”
The Cobra, a film directed by Ajay Gnanamuthu, revolves around the assassin and brilliant mathematician Madhiazhagan. The movie’s lead actors included Chiyaan Vikram, Irfan Pathan, Srinidhi Shetty, Meenakshi Govindarajan, and Mirnalini Ravi. In supporting roles, Roshan Mathew, KS Ravikumar, and Miya George appeared. AR Rahman composed the music for the movie.
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