The Madras High Court has declared invalid the 2019 election of expelled AIADMK member O P Ravindranath from the Tamil Nadu’s Theni constituency Ravindranath being the son of deposed AIADMK leader and the former Chief Minister O Panneerselvam.
The Madras High Court has declared invalid the 2019 election of expelled AIADMK member O P Ravindranath from the Tamil Nadu’s Theni constituency Ravindranath being the son of deposed AIADMK leader and the former Chief Minister O Panneerselvam.
The Madras High Court has declared invalid the 2019 election of expelled AIADMK member O P Ravindranath from the Tamil Nadu’s Theni constituency Ravindranath being the son of deposed AIADMK leader and the former Chief Minister O Panneerselvam.