The Kerala High Court in the case Vidya K. Maniyanodi v. State of Kerala observed wherein an anticipatory bail is moved by Vidya K., who has been accused of having submitted a forged experience certificate in the interview held for the post of Guest Lecturer, the Malayalam at the Attappadi Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Arts College, Palakkad.
In the present case, Vidya K., who being the accused alleged to have produced forged experience certificate in the name of Maharaja’s College, Ernakula and as per the reports of media, the accused has been alleged to have committed the offences stated under section 465, the Punishment for Forgery, Section 468, the Forgery for the purposes of cheating and section 471, the Punishment for using forged document as genuine of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.
It has also been state din the petition that both the offences as stated under Section 465 as well as Section 471 are bailable of the Act. Further, the petitioner in the plea added that the other section of offence namely 468 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 is not attracted in the instant case for the reason that in order to attract the said provision cheating must ensue pursuant to the forgery committed which is absent in the instant case.
Further, it has also been submitted in the plea that the present crime has been initiated for political reasons and that the allegations at the face of it, the same does not attract the offences that have been alleged before the court. Thus, if the petitioner who being an unmarried lady in her mid-twenties is arrested and incarcerated the same would result in a travesty of justice and result in serious hardship to her.
The present petition has been moved through Advocate M. Revikrishnan, Advocate Ajeesh K. Sasi, Advocate Sruthy K.K., Advocate P.M. Rafiq, Advocate Sruthy N. Bhat, Advocate Rahul Sunil, and Advocate Nikita J. Mendez.