The Ghazipur MP/MLA Court in the case observed and has convicted BSP MP from Uttar Pradesh’s Ghazipur, Afzal Ansari, brother of Ex-MLA Mukhtar Ansari and the court has sentenced him to four years in prison in a Gangster Act Case. The court pronounced the sentence after he was convicted in the case along with his brother Mukhtar Ansari.
However, the court stated that Ansari stands disqualified to be a member of the Loksabha, with regards to the provisions contained in article 102 read with section 8 (3) of the Representation of People Act 1951.
In the present case, the court registered the case under the Gangster Act against Ansari Brothers after the court booked them for their involvement in the kidnapping of Vishwa Hindu Parishad office-bearer Nandkishore Rungta in the year 1996 and they were also convicted in the murder of Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Krishnanand Rai in the year 2005.
Accordingly, the court in the case imposed a fine of Rs. 1 lakh on him.