The Delhi High Court in the case Sabera Khatoon v. Foreign Regional Registration Office, Delhi And Ors observed and has ordered for a joint inspection for a detention centre in Northwest Delhi by officials of Ministry of Home Affairs, the Foreign Regional Registration Office and the DUSIB fro ascertaining the availability of basic amenities and facilities there.
The bench headed by Justice Prathiba M Singh in the plea moved by the sister of a Rohingya refugee observed and has detained at a Sewa Kendra in Shahzada Bagh.
It has also been sought by plea moved by her that these being basic facilities for her sister Shadiya Akhtar, who holds a UNHCR refugee identity card. Therefore, the said court also informed her sister that she does not have proper access to basic amenities such as the warm water, bed, blanket, pillow, winter essentials, the winter wear, etc. in the detention centre.
It has been submitted by the counsel appearing for the petitioner that the detained individual is also not being provided proper medical care.
Before the court, it has also been submitted by the counsel appearing for the FRRO that apart from the food, all the remaining facilities which are being provided by DUSIB in the detention centre which is being run by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
The court in its order stated and has directed that the two competent officials of Respondent Nos.1 and Respondents No 2, as who also being the two officials of the DUSIB shall jointly visit the Sewa Kendra at Shahzada Bagh and put up a report before the said court as to the amenities and other issues which are being raised in this writ petition before the next date of hearing. The court shall also place the Photographs of the Sewa Kendra on record.
The court also been directed that the medical records of the Rohingya refugee which are being placed on record before the next date of hearing.
Accordingly, the court listed the matter to be next heard on February 24.