In a significant move against Pakistan-backed terrorist groups in Jammu & Kashmir, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has filed charges against three individuals affiliated with a banned Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) offshoot. The accused, including Pakistani national Habibullah Malik, were charged for conspiring to carry out terrorist attacks using sticky bombs, IEDs, and small arms.
Habibullah Malik, along with Hilal Yaqooob Deva and Musiab Fayaz Baba, both from Shopian in Kashmir, were named in the Supplementary Chargesheet filed at the NIA Special Court, Jammu. The charges relate to a conspiracy by proscribed terrorist organizations to instigate fear, disrupt peace, and carry out attacks in J&K.
Investigations revealed that the accused trio conspired to conduct terrorist attacks in J&K, intending to wage war against the Government of India. Habibullah Malik, an active Commander of The Resistance Front (TRF), a LeT offshoot, motivated Kashmiri youth to join for terrorist activities. Hilal and Musiab worked as Over Ground Workers (OGWs), facilitating the collection and transportation of funds and weapons for terror attacks.
The NIA’s investigations uncovered the broader plans of banned terrorist outfits to commit acts of terror and violence, indoctrinating local youth and mobilizing overground workers to disturb peace and communal harmony in J&K.
The NIA is intensifying its efforts to counter banned terrorist organizations operating in J&K, including outfits like The Resistance Front (TRF), United Liberation Front Jammu & Kashmir (ULFJ&K), Mujahideen Gazwat-ul-Hind (MGH), Jammu & Kashmir Freedom Fighters (JKFF), Kashmir Tigers, PAAF, affiliated with LeT, JeM, HM, Al-Badr, Al-Qaeda, among others. The agency is committed to thwarting their conspiracy to revive terrorism and disrupt peace in the region.