On Tuesday, BJP Rajya Sabha MP and national spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi targeted Rahul Gandhi and the Congress in his statements. He said, “Rahul Gandhi says we will conduct a caste-based census, but we asked him, who stopped the caste-based census. During the first Parliament of independent India in 1951, the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s government had stopped the census. Rahul Gandhi should tell whether Nehru was inappropriate or wrong at that time. We are not making any allegations from our side; Congress people are accusing themselves.”
He also slammed the Congress party for hiking inflation prices and said, “Today, in the country, the inflation rate has come down to 4.8 per cent from 5 per cent. If we talk about state-wise inflation, in July, Rajasthan had the highest inflation rate of 9.6 per cent. In recent days, Congress held a rally in Jaipur on inflation. However, in that rally, Rahul Gandhi gave a speech against Hinduism, leaving aside inflation. The reason is that they have no problem with inflation and unemployment. They are only troubled by Hinduism and Hindutva. These people used to say that the BJP government would ruin the economy, while this time the sales of automobiles, gold, and two-wheelers increased from 20 per cent to 24 per cent.”
Trivedi said, “During the time of then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi when their government with the full majority was there, the country’s growth rate did not go above 2 per cent. At that time, people used to joke that this was the Hindu growth rate, and at that time, the inflation rate was above 15 per cent.”
Law and order in Rajasthan is deteriorating: Trivedi
He said, “Today law and order in Rajasthan has completely deteriorated, and Congress has issued an advertisement in which even the criminals are seen wearing saffron scarves. It is clear from this that they have difficulty with Hindutva and saffron. A supporting party of Congress organises a conference for the eradication of Sanatan in which the ideology of Sanatan eradication is visible in their advertisements. In January 2013, the then Home Minister of this party, Sushil Kumar Shinde, had said that the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh runs a terrorist training centre. When the BJP opposed it in the house, Home Minister Shinde withdrew his statement.”
Jaipur bomb blast accused were acquitted because of poor lobbying
Regarding the Jaipur bomb blast case, Sudhanshu Trivedi said, “Poor lobbying was carried out against the accused, and the accused were acquitted. Meanwhile, Kanhaiya Teeli, despite repeatedly demanding security, was not provided security. In Jaipur, the announcement of compensation of 5 million was made on the murder of a youth of the special community in the road rage incident. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot had made an announcement a few days ago that he would make Rajasthan veil-free and include hijabs.” He asked the CM, “Why is he showing his double character by being against veils and supporting hijabs.”