The people of Rajasthan will have to wait a few more days for the cabinet expansion. Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma and Deputy Chief Ministers Diya Kumari and Prem Chand Bairwa, have returned from their Delhi visit. Their meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi also took place on Thursday morning in Parliament. This meeting was their first with the PM after the oath-taking ceremony. According to sources, during this time, there was not much detailed discussion on the expansion of the cabinet. However, in the meeting with BJP’s national president JP Nadda and Home Minister Amit Shah during the previous visit, there was a detailed discussion on their cabinet, and consensus was reached on several names.
Currently, the final green signal has not been received from Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is believed that the expansion of the cabinet will not take place until Sunday. Expansion is now likely to be seen in the coming week. Meanwhile, on Thursday, all three major leaders of the state had another meeting with Nadda and Shah. During this meeting, discussions were also held on various issues related to Rajasthan. Meanwhile, along with Sharma, both Deputy CMs have also returned to Jaipur.
Discussion between CP Joshi and CM Bhajan Lal
CM Bhajan Lal Sharma reached Delhi on Wednesday night. A long discussion took place between the state president CP Joshi and him at Jodhpur House. During this time, there was also a discussion on the expansion of the cabinet. On the other hand, on Thursday morning, several other leaders also met CM Bhajan Lal Sharma at Jodhpur House. This included MPs Narendra Khinchad, Bhagirath Chaudhary, Manoj Rajoria, MP Sumedhanand Saraswati, and other leaders.
Governor Kalraj Mishra is currently in Udaipur. He has gone there for the convocation ceremony of Sukhadia University. On Saturday, President Pokhriyal is also coming to Pokaran. In this case, he will also go to Pokaran. At the same time, it is proposed for Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma to attend the President’s program on Saturday. Therefore, a break in the discussions on the expansion of the cabinet is expected until Sunday.