Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla and Energy Minister Hiralal Nagar inaugurated various development projects, including the foundation laying of a 400 KV substation costing 175 crores in Sangod on Tuesday. During the event, Speaker Birla expressed the commitment to give new dimensions to rural development in the next 5 years. The plan focuses on making every village self-reliant, providing local employment opportunities, and putting a halt to migration from villages.
Speaking at the program held at Bhimrao Ambedkar Stadium on Jolpa Road, Speaker Birla emphasized India’s rapidly growing economy, attracting global attention. He stressed the need for comprehensive development in villages, including good schools, medical facilities, roads, water, and electricity. The plan aims to elevate villages that have lagged in development to leadership positions before focusing on inclusive development.
Addressing the Power Situation:
Energy Minister Hiralal Nagar highlighted the lack of work on electricity production improvement in the last 5 years under the previous Congress government. With Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla’s support, Rajasthan has been allocated a new coal mine in Chhattisgarh, ensuring sufficient coal supply to all production units.
The government is also installing rooftop solar plants and solar plants under the Kusum scheme in farmers’ fields to reduce electricity demand and bills. The construction of the 400 KV substation in Sangod is expected to reduce the load demand in several areas, improving the power supply system.