The special court of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Tuesday framed charges against nine suspects involved in the Kanhaiyalal murder case from Udaipur. Charges have been made against the accused in the Kanhaiyalal murder case, including involvement in terrorist activities, murder of Kanhaiyalal, and conspiracy to insult and harm other religions and castes.
The NIA presented a charge sheet in court, accusing all the suspects of the charges listed. The accused, Farhad Mohammad, had previously only been charged under the Arms Act in his charge sheet. However, the court has now also accused Farhad Mohammad of involvement in terrorist activities, murder, and conspiracy.
In response, the accused’s lawyer, Akhil Chaudhary, stated that they would appeal against this order in the High Court. On June 28, 2022, Kanhaiyalal was brutally murdered by Mohammad Riyaz Attari and Gaush Mohammad by slitting his throat.
During the charge debate by the NIA, it was alleged that the accused formed a group on WhatsApp to plot criminal conspiracies. Kanhaiyalal Taylor’s heinous murder was committed in the name of religion. Investigations against the accused have also proven their involvement in criminal conspiracies. They have been accused and proven guilty of murder, insulting other religions and castes, and participating in terrorist activities.
In the case of Kanhaiyalal’s murder, the NIA had filed a charge sheet against Salman and Abu Ibrahim, residents of Karachi, Pakistan, along with the main accused Gaush Mohammad and Mohammad Riyaz Attari, as well as 11 other suspects including Mohsin, Asif, Mohammad Mohsin, Waseem Ali, Farhad Mohammad Sheikh alias Babla, Mohammad Javed, and Muslim Mohammad.
The special court of the NIA convicted them on February 9, 2023, for murder, terrorist activities, and criminal conspiracy, as well as under the UAPA Act and the Arms Act.