Yesterday, Minister of Law and Justice Arjun Ram Meghwal was on a visit to Bikaner. During his visit, he talked about the ongoing Bharatiya Janata Party’s Parivartan Yatra’s progress. BJP has been organizing these Yatras as part of their election campaign to win back Rajasthan in the upcoming Assembly polls. Meghwal also discussed the formation of a high-level committee for “One Nation, One Law,” questioning why, if in the past, elections were held together in 1952, 1957, 1962, and 1966, the Congress Party did not ensure proper elections at that time. He invited suggestions for the committee’s work, stating that Rahul Gandhi said there hasn’t even been a meeting held yet, despite Prime Minister Modi calling all party leaders for a meeting in 2019, which Congress had boycotted. The Union Minister also noted that during Congress’s rule, three committees were formed, and Congress refused to attend any of them. Furthermore, he criticized the comments made about Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot’s High Court remarks.