The upcoming Phase 2 voting of the Lok Sabha elections in India is set to take place amid a challenging backdrop of extreme weather conditions. As millions of voters gear up to cast their votes, they are facing the dual challenges of relentless heatwaves and the looming threat of thunderstorms and lightning. These weather conditions are not only adding complexity to the polling process but also raising concerns about voter turnout and overall election proceedings. With 89 Parliamentary constituencies going to polls in Phase 2, ensuring a smooth and safe voting experience has become a top priority for both voters and authorities alike. Let’s delve into the details of how these weather challenges are impacting the electoral landscape and the measures being taken to address them.
Heatwave Impact
The mercury has soared to nearly 43°C in several regions, triggering severe heatwaves in Odisha and West Bengal. This marks the second heatwave spell this April, primarily affecting eastern states like Odisha since April 15 and West Bengal for the past seven days.
Weather Warnings
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued red and orange warnings for several states. West Bengal is under a red warning, while Karnataka, Bihar, and parts of Maharashtra are under orange warnings. This shift in warnings has led to adjustments in polling schedules, such as the extension of polling hours in Bihar.
Forecast and Vulnerable Regions
As Phase 2 commences, states like Karnataka, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal are expected to face heatwave conditions. Southern Karnataka, with 14 constituencies, is particularly vulnerable, as are other regions like Kerala and West Uttar Pradesh.
Thunderstorm and Lightning Risks
Despite the heatwave, there is also a risk of thunderstorms and lightning in several states. West Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh could experience gusty winds and thunderstorms, offering temporary relief from the heat.
ECI’s Response
The Election Commission of India (ECI) has taken proactive measures to address the challenges posed by the weather. A task force has been formed to review the impact of heatwave and humidity on polling days. The ECI is working closely with state electoral officers to ensure basic facilities like shaded areas and drinking water at polling stations for voters and polling personnel.
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