A troubling incident has emerged from Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, in which school teacher Kuldeep Yadav was purportedly caught viewing explicit videos on his phone during class. The reaction of the students reportedly infuriated Yadav, prompting him to verbally abuse and physically attack an 8-year-old student. “The students’ response enraged Mr. Yadav, who subsequently abused and violently beat my son. He pulled my son by his hair and slammed his head into the wall. He also hit him with a cane. My son suffered injuries, including to his ear. I have filed a police complaint against the teacher,” stated the boy’s father, Jay Prakash, to NDTV.
The teacher has been detained for interrogation, and Gopinath Soni, the Superintendent of Police (Rural), confirmed that an investigation is in progress. “A report of assault at a school has been brought to light in which an 8-year-old boy was beaten by his class teacher. In accordance with the complaint filed by the boy’s father, we have taken the teacher into custody,” the SP mentioned, as reported by India Today.
This incident follows a similar case from September, where an 11-year-old student faced punishment from a teacher for failing to tuck in his shirt. The assault, recorded on CCTV, quickly spread on social media, depicting the teacher striking a Class 6 student. “The student had experienced bleeding from his nose and ears. The Swargate police have initiated a case against this teacher. This event occurred at a school located in the Maharshinagar area. The parents sought assistance from the MNS Party and conveyed their concerns,” shared the Pune Mirror on Instagram.
The boy, who was taken to a hospital, was found to have a damaged eardrum as a result of the assault, as reported by India Today. Ganesh Bhokare of the MNS (Maharashtra Navnirman Sena) arrived at the school with party members and the student’s parents to confront the teacher in the presence of police, insisting that the school implement measures to avert such occurrences in the future.