Actor Aditi Rao Hydari, who has charmed the audiences over the years with her spectacular performances in Indian cinema, recently joined NewsX for a candid chat as part of NewsX India A-List. As part of the exclusive conversation, the actor opened up about launch of Titan’s latest collection Nebula, her favourite watch from the collection and much more.
Speaking from the launch venue, Aditi said, “I am not saying this because it is a part of my job but i’m saying this because I really mean it. It is really stunning. It is very beautiful. I love anything that is made with so much thought and so much love for art, heritage and culture. These watches are inspired by different parts of India, different styles, whether it is calligraphy or filigree or the deck in and the art styles of the deccan. I love jewellery and these watches are like jewellery. To me, it is a beautiful sort of coming together of an accessory that I love, which is watches (I always wear a watch) and something that I love wearing when i go out, especially when I go to weddings or when I am wearing Indian clothes, which also i love. So, here is a watch that looks like jewellery. I think it is absolutely beautiful and the new Nebula collection is truly stunning.”
When asked about her favourite watch from the collection, she responded, “There are three. It is very difficult for me to pick. There are three that I have loved and it is not surprising that all of them are inspired by the Dukhni tradition. Since I am a good Hyderabadi, without knowing I picked those three. One of them has emeralds, one has rubies and one is jade. They are very beautiful and they are inspired by the falaknuma and the architecture of the the falaknuma so I have correctly chosen these three.”
Sharing her thoughts on the importance of a good watch in one’s personal style, Aditi expressed, “I have seen my grandmother and my grandaunts and a lot of people in Hyderabad when I was growing up, I saw them wear very beautiful time pieces. Even my grandfather. Timepieces were something that were really treasured and I know that they, at least in my family, have been passed on from generation to generation. When you have something as special as something that is timeless, something that outlives you, something that is truly precious, for me that is true luxury. To have access to it and to have people who are making something for you that sort of draws from history and hands it to you in a contemporary way, I think that’s a really beautiful thing and I am all for that. That has always been something that I have loved.”
“I think watches as jewellery are a very beautiful thing and it is time that they came back. Quite often, when you are wearing Indian clothes and you want to wear a watch, you are just holding your head and saying, ‘what do I do’. You don’t want to whip out your phone so it is really nice to have a beautiful timepiece that is jewellery. I don’t need to wear anything on my wrist because I have this beautiful watch,” she added.
“These watches are inspired by different parts of India, different styles, whether it is calligraphy or filigree or the deck in and the art styles of the deccan. I love jewellery and these watches are like jewellery. To me it is a beautiful sort of coming together of an accessory that i love.”