Delhi Chief Minister Atishi, on Monday, took a firm stand against the issue of public buses ignoring waiting women at designated stops. In a bid to enhance the safety and convenience of female commuters, she announced that drivers and conductors of Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) and Cluster buses would face suspension if found neglecting to pick up waiting women passengers.
A Strong Stance on Women’s Safety
Addressing a press conference, Atishi urged women to actively participate in ensuring their right to travel safely by documenting instances where buses do not stop to pick them up. She called on the public to use social media as a tool to hold the erring drivers and conductors accountable.
“Women should not face any inconvenience while using public transport. The Delhi government is committed to providing free travel for women, and we are determined to ensure that buses adhere to their designated stops,” Atishi said.
Immediate Action on Complaints
The Delhi government has also issued a directive to the transport department, instructing all DTC and cluster bus drivers and conductors to stop at designated bus stops when women are waiting. The Chief Minister emphasised that any bus not stopping to pick up female passengers will lead to the suspension of the driver and conductor involved.
Atishi added, “If you notice that a bus is bypassing a stop where women are waiting, take a photo and post it online. The government will take strict action against such conduct.”
Addressing Misleading Allegations
In the midst of the announcement, the Transport Department also addressed allegations from Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who had raised concerns over a potential inquiry into Atishi’s role regarding free bus rides for women. The department denied these allegations, calling them “misleading” and dismissed claims of an inquiry as unfounded.
Atishi’s commitment to ensuring the safety of female commuters in Delhi remains resolute, and this new initiative aims to make public transport more accessible and responsive to the needs of women.