Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said on Wednesday that 16 casualties have been reported due to electrocution in Chamoli district. CM Dhami went to AIIMS Rishikesh to inquire about the well-being of six injured in the tragic incident in Chamoli district.
He has wished the injured a speedy recovery. The Chief Minister also obtained information from the doctors of AIIMS regarding the proper treatment of the injured. He also expected the doctors to leave no stone unturned in the treatment of the injured. Chief Minister Dhami had left for Chamoli as soon as he got information about the incident but had to return due to bad weather. After that, the CM went to AIIMS Rishikesh to inquire about the condition of the injured.
Expressing deep sorrow over the tragic incident in Chamoli district, CM Dhami has prayed to God to grant peace to the souls of the deceased and patience to their families in this hour of grief. The Chief Minister said that 16 casualties have been reported due to electrocution in Chamoli district.
District Magistrate of Chamoli has been ordered to conduct a magisterial inquiry into the incident. While fixing responsibility, strict action will be taken against those found guilty and negligent. Rescue teams have reached the spot. Six injured people have been airlifted to AIIMS Rishikesh. Relief and rescue work is being done by the government and the administration.