On Saturday, officials reported that the Rashtriya Rifles and Jammu and Kashmir (J-K) Police have launched an operation in the Kapran Garol area of South Kashmir’s Kishtwar range in response to intelligence indicating terrorist infiltration. The operation, which started on the nights of August 9 and 10, aims to target terrorists suspected of being behind recent incidents in the Doda region.
The PRO (Defence) in Srinagar stated that, as of August 5, 2024, it had been confirmed through both human and electronic sources that the terrorists responsible for the incidents and atrocities in the Doda region on July 24 had crossed the Kishtwar range and entered the Kapran Garol area in South Kashmir.
“Rashtriya Rifles and J&K Police have ever since relentlessly tracked these terrorists and precise operations were launched on the night of August 9 and 10 in the area east of Kapran, in the mountains, where these terrorists were reportedly holed up,” PRO (Defence) Srinagar said.
The statement indicated that on August 10, around 2 pm, suspicious movement was detected. When confronted, the terrorists responded with indiscriminate and reckless firing, resulting in injuries to two Army personnel and two nearby civilians. The backgrounds of the injured civilians are currently being investigated.
“The area is above 10,000 feet in high altitude and has thick undergrowth, large boulders, Nallahs and re-entrants that pose a serious challenge to operations. Security forces are moving deliberately and are in the process of hunting down the terrorists. Operations will progress through the night,” the PRO (Defence) added.
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