Leader of the Opposition Rahul Gandhi recently visited a Keventers store in Delhi, where he not only made his own cold coffee but also engaged in insightful discussions with the co-founders, Aman Arora and Agastya Dalmia. The Congress leader shared a video of his experience on social media, which quickly garnered attention for its casual yet impactful moments.
How do you shake up a legacy brand for a new generation and a new market?
The young founders of Keventers shared some valuable insights with me recently.
Play-fair businesses like Keventers have driven our economic growth for generations. We must do more to support them. pic.twitter.com/LSdiP8A9bQ
— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) January 9, 2025
The video starts with Keventers staff offering to demonstrate the cold coffee-making process. However, Rahul Gandhi decided to take the lead, saying, “No, I will make it.” He was seen adding milk, ice cream, and coffee into the mixer, blending it, and pouring it into Keventers’ signature bottle.
Interacting with Visitors and Co-Founders
Gandhi’s visit wasn’t limited to making coffee. He had engaging conversations with store visitors, including an elderly woman who invited him to her house. In a humorous turn of events, the woman realized she didn’t have her house keys when Gandhi agreed to visit her floor.
He also interacted with the Keventers co-founders, discussing topics like entrepreneurship, business challenges, and the evolution of legacy brands. The co-founders shared their strategy for expanding into Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 cities, highlighting the high rents in Tier 1 locations.
Supporting Legacy Brands
In his social media post, Gandhi reflected on the visit, emphasizing the importance of supporting fair businesses like Keventers that contribute to economic growth. He wrote, “How do you shake up a legacy brand for a new generation and a new market? The young founders of Keventers shared some valuable insights with me recently. Play-fair businesses like Keventers have driven our economic growth for generations. We must do more to support them.”
Takeaways from the Visit
Rahul Gandhi’s visit to Keventers highlighted the significance of entrepreneurship, business innovation, and the need for policies that support legacy brands adapting to modern markets.