Priyank Kharge, a cabinet minister in the Karnataka government, commented on the Sanatana Dharma remark controversy on Tuesday. He claimed that numerous infections that discriminate against people and rob them of their human dignity have existed for thousands of years and are still common today.
This comes after BJP National Secretary B. L. Santhosh reacted to Priyank Kharge statement on Monday in a post on X and said,”So if there is a infection in somebody’s stomach, you chop off the head..??”
The post was in response to Kharge saying “Any religion that does not promote equality or does not ensure you have the giginity of being human is not a religion according to me..”The Karnataka minister was reacting to Udyanidhi Stalin’s remarks on Sanatan Dharma.
In response to B. L. Santhosh’s post, Kharge made the following comment on X: “So glad that B. L. Santhosh avare agrees that there is an infection that needs to be treated. Infections that discriminate against people and take away their human dignity have existed for many centuries and are still widespread today.
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