In the early hours of Monday, Patna Police detained Jan Suraaj chief Prashant Kishor. He was sitting on an indefinite hunger strike at Gandhi Maidan. His protest was against the alleged BPSC exam paper leak.
Kishor Stays Resolute in His Protest
Before being detained, Kishor declared that the protest would continue. He said, “We will continue doing what we are doing now, there will be no change in it… We will file a petition in the High Court on the 7th.”
Patna Police also cleared the Gandhi Maidan area. They conducted vehicle checks as protestors were leaving the location.
Kishor Calls on Tejashwi Yadav to Lead the Protest
Meanwhile, Kishor urged Tejashwi Yadav to lead the protest. “He (Tejashwi Yadav) is a tall leader. He is also the LoP. He should have led the protests. We will step aside,” Kishor said.
Kishor Emphasizes the Protest’s Non-Political Nature
Kishor stressed that the protest was not about politics. “This is the passion of the people of Bihar to better their conditions,” he said. “We care about the agenda of the students.”
Tejashwi Yadav Accuses BJP of Politicizing the Protest
On the other hand, Tejashwi Yadav accused the BJP of politicizing the protest. He stated, “The BJP’s ‘B team’ is trying to crush this independent movement.”
Controversy Surrounds Kishor’s Vanity Van
In response to Kishor’s use of a vanity van, Yadav said, “Actors sit in the vanity van, and the producer and the director make them sit. Everyone knows why.”
Students continue to demand the cancellation of the BPSC exam. They claim that a question paper leak compromised the exam’s fairness.