In a tragic incident on Wednesday evening, a stampede at Tirupati’s Vaikuntha Dwara ticketing counter claimed six lives and left over 40 injured. The chaos erupted as pilgrims rushed for tokens distributed near the Tirumala Srivari Vaikuntha Dwara ticket counter.
Eyewitness Accounts Highlight Chaos
There was no control over the crowds, and they just surged inside,”eyewitnesses said. One woman who accompanied her family of 20, said,“The police had opened the gates for token distribution, and after that, trouble started.“.
A stampede occurred due to the heavy rush. As soon as the gates were opened, pilgrims rushed to obtain tokens. Several women were injured, and six members of my family sustained injuries,” she said, accordingto PTI.
Another victim’s husband, mourning the death of his wife Mallika, was telling the story of how she got caught in the crush trying to earn a very sought-after Vaikuntha Dwara Darshan ticket.
Government Response and Probe
TTD feels incredibly sad over the incident. “It is a sad event. Six pilgrims lost their lives, with one being identified so far. Authorities are closely monitoring the situation,” TTD said in a statement.
Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu, in reaction to the tragedy, spoke to officials on a teleconference, stressing the importance of taking all measures to avoid such mishaps. He will meet the family members of the deceased today.
Demand for better crowd management
This stampede raises serious issues about the crowd control system and token distribution system at places of worship. The pilgrims appealed to the authorities to take better safety measures so that devotees would be safe in the future.
This unfortunate event also reiterates the need for proper planning and management during huge congregation gatherings, mainly during any such congregation events.