During a press conference held at the Pradesh Congress headquarters, former Union minister Jairam Ramesh launched the theme song “Badhao Haath-Phir Kamal Nath” for the Madhya Pradesh state assembly elections. Along with the launch, he mentioned that the 4,000-kilometre-long journey from Kanyakumari to Kashmir led by Rahul Gandhi “provided an opportunity” for the party and its workers to unite. “Congress has strengthened itself, and a new energy has come into the Congress. The result is that we are forming a clear majority government in four out of five states. We witnessed change in Karnataka, and we will also see change in Madhya Pradesh because the public wants change.”
He mentioned the scams that occurred in Madhya Pradesh and criticised the state government. Jairam Ramesh said, “For 18 years, the BJP has been in power in Madhya Pradesh. People from the BJP make big claims, but in these 18 years, what has become the identity of Madhya Pradesh and its reality?” He further charged that the state had witnessed the highest number of scams in the country, and mentioned the Patwari scam, nursing scam, and Vyapam scam. “More than 250 such scams have happened, which Priyanka Gandhi mentioned in her speech. No one can deny that scams did not happen in Madhya Pradesh, and these scams have turned Madhya Pradesh into a sick state.”
Madhya Pradesh, he said, ranks first in the country in atrocities against women, tribals, Dalits, and farmers under the BJP government. “Madhya Pradesh has the highest number of child deaths, and highest maternal mortality rate, and is ranked first in child malnutrition, according to figures from the central government and the health ministry. People in Madhya Pradesh have been completely disillusioned with the BJP government for the past 18 years. The Congress party will get a clear and resounding majority in Madhya Pradesh in 2023, more than in 2018.”
“After the Karnataka elections, the keyword in the Congress’ politics is ‘guarantee.’ Under this, we have given a guarantee to Karnataka, and we have implemented six guarantees in six months. We talked about guarantees in Himachal Pradesh, and we will also implement guarantees there. Our government will implement the old pension scheme for employees.
Rahul Gandhi made a promise during the Bharat Jodo Yatra.” The Congress leader promised that once voted to power, the Congress would fill 2 lakh vacant government positions as well as conduct backlog recruitments to eliminate unemployment. “We will provide a monthly unemployment allowance of Rs. 3,000 to the unemployed, scholarships to schoolchildren ranging from Rs. 500 to Rs. 1,500 per month and provide them with free quality education.” Saying that the party would work for the youth, women, and government employees’ families, he added that the Congress would bring the price of a sack of tendu patta to Rs. 4,000, similar to Chhattisgarh. “A big guarantee that Congress fulfilled in Rajasthan is that we will provide health insurance up to Rs. 25 lakh in Madhya Pradesh,” he added.
In addition, he stated that the economic policies of the Modi government, including GST and demonetisation, have led to a continuous increase in the prices of essential goods, causing distress among the people. “That’s why Prime Minister Modi is extending the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana for another five years. When Manmohan Singh’s government was in power, Congress passed the National Food Security Act, and at that time, PM Modi, who was the Chief Minister, opposed it. The PM has now implemented this food security law under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana. Modi government’s policies also affect the state governments and the impact of their policies is being felt by the farmers and youth of Madhya Pradesh today.”