Karnataka Forest Minister Eshwar Khandre has vowed to settle a long-standing Rs 80 lakh bill, which has been at the center of a dispute between the state forest department and the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel’s management. The bill arose from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Mysuru last year for an international event celebrating 50 years of Project Tiger, which included a stay at the hotel.
During his visit from April 9 to 11, PM Modi’s itinerary featured a visit to Bandipur, Karnataka’s first tiger reserve, and participation in a convention at the Karnataka State Open University, where he released the Tiger Estimation Report.
The hotel’s general manager of finance recently sent a letter to the deputy conservator of forests (DCF) in Mysuru, demanding payment by June 1. Subhash K Malkhede, principal chief conservator of forest (wildlife) and chief wildlife warden, confirmed receiving the letter and said they have requested resolution of the pending invoices, which now include an additional Rs 12 lakh in interest.
The hotel has indicated it is prepared to pursue legal action if the matter is not resolved by the deadline.
The payment delay stems from a dispute between the state forest department and the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) over the “excess” payment. The NTCA, under the Union ministry of forest, is seeking reimbursement from the state, which contends that the central government organized the event.
This disagreement has persisted, with extensive correspondence between the two entities. State forest officials argue that the model code of conduct for assembly elections was in effect during the April 2023 event, absolving the state government of responsibility.
Despite multiple efforts to address the issue, the outstanding amount remains unpaid. According to senior forest officials in Mysuru, the Rs 80 lakh bill has been pending since April 2023. The total expenditure for the event, initially estimated at Rs 2.9 crore, surged to Rs 6.3 crore after a revised estimate from the event management firm. Although the NTCA released Rs 3 crore on March 31, 2023, discrepancies in expenditure figures have led to the current impasse.
Efforts to resolve the issue have intensified, with the Karnataka principal chief conservator of forests (PCCF) contacting the deputy inspector general of NTCA on April 22, 2024, urging the release of the remaining funds, including the hotel’s Rs 80 lakh bill. The PCCF has suggested direct payment to the hotel to expedite the resolution process.
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