Two students of Jadavpur University were arrested on Sunday for their alleged involvement in the ragging of an undergraduate student who died after falling from the balcony of a hostel, police said.
Police have taken cognisance of JU students’ social media posts, including photographs, which suggest there was an element of sexual harassment in the ragging of the deceased.
“He was definitely tormented by the boarders. There can be some passive sexual harassment. We are probing the matter,” a senior police officer said. Three people have been arrested in the case so far, he said.
“A second-year student of Economics hailing from Bankura town and a Sociology student from Arambagh in Hooghly district were arrested on Sunday morning. A former student of the university, who was staying at the hostel, was nabbed on Friday,” he said.
“The names of the two surfaced after night-long grilling of the arrested former student. Both are boarders from the same hostel and were present when the teenager allegedly fell from the second floor of the hostel building. We will question them,” the officer said.
The two students will be produced before a court later in the day, he said.