The walls of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) were defaced with anti-Modi and anti-government slogans, igniting a fresh debate on campus. “Saffron will burn,” “Modi’s grave will be dug,” “Free Kashmir,” and “IOK (Indian Occupied Kashmir)” are among the slogans painted on the walls.
The objectionable slogans have been written in red and blue ink on the walls of the building of JNU’s School of Languages. However, no official response has been received from the JNU administration on this incident till now.
Sources said that the university has ordered an investigation into the incident. Last year, a similar controversy had erupted in the campus after walls of the second and third floors of the school of language and literature as well as doors of faculty members were defaced with slogans against the Brahmin and Baniya communities. Some of the slogans that had surfaced at that time were “Brahmins leave the campus”, “there will be blood”, “Brahmins Bharat choro” and “we will avenge on Brahmins-Baniyas”.
The JNU administration had formed a probe committee at that time but that names of those involved in the incident were not revealed in the committee’s report that was submitted to the authorities. The ABVP had condemned the incident and accused the Leftist student organisations of writing the objectionable slogans. The BJP backed organisation had demanded action from the university authorities against those involved in it. A teachers’ body of the JNU had also held the left-leaning students responsible. However, the allegation could not be confirmed in the investigation conducted by the university.