In Sahibganj, Jharkhand, an 18-year-old named Tausif tragically lost his life while attempting to create an Instagram reel. According to a report by India Today, Tausif jumped into deep water from a height in an effort to film a social media video.
Initially, the jump went as planned, and Tausif survived the fall. However, upon hitting the water, he lost control and struggled to stay afloat. Despite the efforts of his friends, who watched in horror from the shore, Tausif could not be rescued in time. His struggle against the water was brief and frantic, ultimately resulting in his drowning.
Tausif’s friends were reportedly unprepared for such a tragic outcome. The spontaneous nature of the stunt meant that there were no safety measures or professional assistance available, only a group of teenagers with smartphones, hoping to capture a moment of daring on camera.
The viral video, shared by on Instagram, shows Tausif running a few meters before leaping into the lake. As he began to drown, his friends rushed to his aid, but their efforts were unsuccessful. A search and rescue operation was launched as soon as his friends informed the locals and the police.
In response to the video, one user wrote, “So he got fame but it costs his life.” Another user speculated, “I think he hurt his left arm and was not able to swim to stay afloat. I could be wrong.” A third user commented, “O my god this is absolutely heartbreaking.”
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