A video shared by content creator Urvashi Agarwal on Instagram has raised alarms regarding food safety at a well-known Jaipur eatery. The video, which has gone viral, shows a food inspection led by Rajasthan Administrative Service (RAS) officer Pankaj Ojha.
During the inspection, Ojha asked the restaurant storage methods and told, “How many days old is this stored in the freezer? This is an alarming situation.” He criticized the storing of raw meat beside vegetarian items such as gravy. He said, “Aam janta ki aastha ke saath isse bada khilwar nahi ho sakta.”Further, Ojha inspects a piece of paneer found in dirty water which he calls “stinking.”
Agarwal’s caption for the video reads, “Food Safety Officers Rajasthan inspected Up & Up, The Musical Terrace and found major food and safety violations.”
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The video received harsh comments. A user commented, “Why can’t we have open-camera kitchens to see how our food is being prepared? ” Another user demanded, “They should take strict actions against them,” while someone else added, “Wow!!! We can’t even imagine what’s going on behind the scenes!! So disgusting!! They should definitely shut down this kind of restaurant.” One user concluded, “We know all this is happening around us but seeing it is a completely different thing. This motivates me even more to cook at home every day.”