Indian Railways cancelled the license of a porter who had charged a non-resident Indian (NRI) family ₹10,000 for wheelchair assistance and luggage service. Payel, an NRI from Gujarat who resides in London, made a complaint after discovering that wheelchair assistance is free at stations.
Payel reached Hazrat Nizamuddin station in Delhi on 21 December. There, she booked a porter for carrying her father’s luggage and wheelchair assistance. The porter asked for Rs. 10,000. After reaching Agra, Payel came to know from Anil Sharma, secretary of the Prepaid Auto Taxi Drivers’ Union, that wheelchair service was free and porters were not entitled to charge huge amounts.
Payel lodged a complaint with the Government Railway Police (GRP) at Agra Cantt station, which collaborated with Delhi authorities to investigate. The authorities identified the porter and ordered him to return Rs. 9,000 to the family. Indian Railways expressed its “zero-tolerance policy” for such incidents.
Indian Railways offers free wheelchair service, subject to availability, with a ₹500 deposit, refundable upon returning the wheelchair, according to the IRCTC website.