India was faced with terror attacks and infiltration of terrorists under the Congress-led UPA regime, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday said, adding the country’s stature has now increased on the world stage under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Addressing poll rallies in poll-bound Telangana’s Mahabubnagar district, he said the country’s borders have been secured under PM Modi’s leadership.
He recalled that terrorists carried out India’s worst terror strike on Mumbai on this day (on November 26, 2008) when the Congress-led UPA government was in power at the Centre.
“There were terror attacks and infiltration of terrorists during Congress regime, but today terror attacks and infiltration of terrorists cannot happen because everyone knows even the terrorists and their ‘bosses’ also know that it is ‘New India’ under PM Modi’s leadership. India will not provoke anyone and will not tolerate it if someone provokes it,” Adityanath said. Be it through air strikes or surgical strikes India knows to give answer and “our borders have been secured”, he said.
He said now it is “New India” and India’s stature has grown on the international stage and borders are secured. There is a solution to the terror and naxal problem in the country and also big infrastructure works have been undertaken and welfare schemes are also being implemented without any indiscrimination, he said.