IMD Director Dr. Mrityunjay Mohapatra reported on Friday that the ‘Very Severe’ cyclonic storm Biparjoy that struck Gujarat on Thursday night has now decreased to a ‘Cyclonic’ storm and is currently centred 30 kilometres west-northwest of Bhuj.”Biparjoy is now less powerful. It falls under the “Cyclonic Storm” category. It is currently 30 kilometres to the west-northwest of Bhuj, according to him. At 8:30 am, he stated, “Biparjoy is moving in an East Northeast direction at a wind speed of 80-90 kmph.” “By evening, it will weaken to a ‘Deep Depression’ with wind speeds of 50-60 kmph or even 70 kmph,” he continued.
“The northern parts of Saurashtra, Kachchh and adjoining areas of north Gujarat is receiving heavy to very heavy rainfall at present with extremely heavy rainfall at isolated places,” Mohapatra said.The storm will be heading towards the adjoining parts of Rajasthan from evening bringing heavy to very heavy rainfall in the region, he said. In south Rajasthan, rainfall will continue till Saturday he said adding that extremely heavy rainfall is likely at some isolated places in Rajasthan.”It will bring heavy to very heavy rainfall in Rajasthan and extremely heavy rainfall in isolated pockets of Rajasthan,” he said. The wind speed will reduce to 40-50 kmph or even 60 kmph when it reaches Rajasthan, he said.Cyclone Biparjoy crossed Jakhau between 10:30 pm and 11:30 pm on Thursday and brought heavy rainfall and gusty winds at a speed of over 115-120 kilometres per hour.
“The windspeed at the coast of Saurashtra will reduce to 35-45 kmph by Friday afternoon,” the IMD Director said adding that sea condition will remain rough till noon.
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