Actor Varun Sharma recently joined NewsX for an exclusive conversation as part of its special series NewsX India A-List. In the exclusive conversation, the actor spoke to us about his new show ‘Chutzpah’, his working style, how he deals with trolls and much more.
Talking about his new show ‘Chutzpah’, Varun said, “One thing that is now embedded in our blood and
system is the Internet. It is impossible to live without the Internet, if you give a thought about it. The show talks about 3-4 different stories weeded in together. The madness, the chaos, the craziness, relatability and the reality of the digital world, is what Chutzpah has to offer. I am playing the role of Vikas, who is love with a girl called Shikha, played by Tanya, and how their physical relationship because of certain situations, turns out to be a long distance relationship and how things change. The feelings, the emotions and the rush of emotions is the same but because of not being physically present there for each other, but rather being connected virtually, how things change for them and what all happens is what mine and Tanya’s story has to offer.”
Commenting on the comfort level in working with people he has earlier worked with once again, he expressed, “It felt like homecoming because it is same people. Immediately after ‘Ruhi’, this is coming out. Ruhi was with the same people. Dinesh Vijan had produced that and it is created by Mrighdeep Singh Lamba. It, kind of, felt as a homecoming. I think once you work with friends and the people that you are closely associated with, a lot of things become easier. When you are shooting with friends, you don’t need to think before asking anything. You never get a thought that, ‘Am i going to look stupid if i ask this?’, ‘Is this going to be a dumb question?’. As human nature, we think about these things. But, when you are with your friends, you just speak your heart out. So, that was a blessing for me to be working with them, shooting with them. The interesting fact is Manjot and I did not shoot together. I was working on a different story and he was working on a different story. The only time we met was during the promotions of the show, where we shared the same screen. But, we used to keep chatting about how is it going.”
Speaking on the relatability factor of Chutzpah, he said, “It is very relatable. This has become part
of our lives. 2 years back, no one thought that everything will go digital. For example, we never thought of doing virtual interviews sitting in our houses. If we were to think 2 years back, we were like, ‘This isn’t going to happen. Let’s just get together’. The physical presence of two individuals, the energy of two individuals being physically present, and a lot more things come out. Now, see how things have come out, where we are and how things have changed. There is a lot of reality in the show, which is very relatable. Even if you see the graph that I have had or the kind of films that I have been associated with, whether it is Fukrey, Fukrey Returns, Dilwale, Chhichhore, I have always tried to do stuff, which are very relatable. People comment that, ‘Oh, even I do this, or my friend does this or this guy is the chucha or the sexa of our group. That is something I always crave to do when I want to be a part of it. That is also the same thing with Chutzpah. Once people witness it and the show comes out on 23rd July, they would want to talk about it. This is going to be an eye opener for so many relationships, which are long distance right now. That, ‘Why are we talking like this? It is not because I don’t love you but because i am not physically there for you for the longest time.’ That’s where the conversations are getting lessened and that is where the interactions are getting lessened. The camaraderie is getting affected. It is not because the love is fading but because the physical presence is not there’. If people realise that, it may save on certain relationships. There are so many relationships around me that have been called off because of the pandemic and two people not being together.”
Check out the entire interview on NewsX YouTube: