Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi paid last respects to actor and DMDK chief Vijaykanth at Island ground, Anna Salai in Chennai on Friday. Vijayakanth passed away in Chennai, aged 71, after testing positive for COVID-19 on Thursday. A large number of people gathered to pay tribute to Vijayakanth as his mortal remains were being taken from the Island ground, Anna Salai to the Koyambedu DMDK office for the last rites.
Meanwhile, Traders in Mayiladuthurai district on Friday closed their shops for 2 hours to mourn his death. On Friday morning, actor Rajnikanth reached Island Ground to pay tribute to Vijayakanth in Chennai’s Anna Salai.
Rajinikanth said, “We will never get a person as good as Vijayakanth. In politics and cinema, there is no one like him. This loss is irreplaceable.” Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam (DMDK) founder-leader and actor Vijayakanth, passed away in Chennai, aged 71, after testing positive for COVID-19 on Thursday.
The mortal remains of the late DMDK leader Vijayakanth were brought to Island Ground, Anna Salai on Friday morning. DMDK cadres took out a silent procession in Kancheepuram to pay tribute to DMDK founder, actor Vijayakanth.
MDMK general secretary Vaiko and actor Sathyaraj paid tribute to DMDK chief Captain Vijayakanth.
Earlier, in November, Vijayakanth was admitted to MIOT Hospital in Chennai as his health deteriorated. Suffering from coughing and throat pain, he was under the observation of doctors for 14 days.
Actor Vijayakanth has won an inevitable place in the film industry and politics. Widely known as ‘Captain’, Vijayakanth’s life is marked by a successful career in the Tamil film industry. He was featured in 154 movies before venturing into politics. While holding a position at Nadigar Sangam (officially known as the South Indian Artists Association (SIAA)), Vijayakanth brought revolutionary changes to the South Indian film industry. He also served as a member of the Legislative Assembly twice, representing the Virudhachalam and Rishivandiyam constituencies. (ANI)