Delhi Congress president Devender Yadav, accompanied by Jharkhand Minister for Panchayati Raj Dipika Pandey Singh, AICC national spokesperson Abhay Dubey, and Mumtaz Patel, daughter of the late AICC treasurer Ahmed Patel, along with thousands of Congress workers and local residents, filed his nomination papers for the Badli Assembly seat today at the SDM office in Model Town. Devender Yadav expressed gratitude to the people of Badli for consistently showing him immense love and trust by electing him four times to represent them. He emphasized that he had always honored their faith by implementing numerous development projects in the constituency. Referring to himself as “your son, your brother,” Yadav urged the people to elect him once again with a historic margin so that he could continue working towards their development and welfare.
He criticized an “imposter” who appeared in Delhi 11 years ago, claiming to be an Income Tax commissioner and promising free water, electricity, education, and healthcare. Yadav alleged that instead of fulfilling these promises, the city was left with unfit drinking water, polluted air, dilapidated hospitals, non-existent Mohalla Clinics, and broken public services. He accused the AAP government of failing to provide adequate ration cards, pensions for the elderly, and maintaining law and order, while opening liquor shops in every corner. He also claimed that Kejriwal’s promises, such as writing off inflated water bills, remained unfulfilled even while he was in power.
Yadav praised the Congress leadership under Mallikarjun Kharge and Rahul Gandhi, asserting that the party has delivered on its promises in states where it governs. He reiterated Congress’ guarantees for Delhi, including the Rs 2500 Pyari Didi Yojna, Rs 25 lakh health insurance from birth to death, Rs 8500 scholarships for unemployed youth to enhance their skills, and two additional guarantees to be announced soon. He assured voters that these promises would be implemented immediately after the Congress returns to power, with law and order as a top priority to ensure women’s safety.
Yadav highlighted his deep connection with Badli, describing it as his home and family, where he could visit any household for a meal or rest. He expressed confidence that the people of Badli would once again elect him with a historic majority to continue serving them, as he had always received their unwavering love and support. He appealed to voters to ensure his victory on February 5.