Partly cloudy skies and intermittent rainfall are predicted to keep temperatures in check in Delhi and heat wave conditions are unlikely to return for five to six days, the India Meteorological Department’s Regional Forecasting Centre said on Monday.
The Safdarjung Observatory, Delhi’s primary weather station, recorded a minimum temperature of 21.8 degrees Celsius, five notches below normal, on Monday. The maximum temperature is likely to settle around 35 degrees Celsius. May, historically the hottest month in Delhi with a mean maximum temperature of 39.5 degrees Celsius, has recorded below-normal temperatures and excess rain this time.
Meteorologists attributed the phenomenon to higher-than-usual western disturbances — weather systems that originate in the Mediterranean region and bring unseasonal rainfall to northwest India — this season.
According to India Meteorological Department (IMD) data, the Safdarjung Observatory has so far recorded 86.7 mm of rainfall in May.