On Thursday, Union Minister Pralhad Joshi harshly criticised the Ashok Gehlot administration in Rajasthan, calling it the “most corrupt.”
The Union minister, who is also the BJP’s election coordinator for Rajasthan, arrived on Thursday for a daylong visit to the arid region. The party’s ‘Parivartan Yatras’, which are set to take place over the course of 23 days next month, are anticipated to be the subject of his assessment.
BJP sources predict that the yatras will start on September 2, 3, and 4 and end with a major public speech by PM Modi on September 25 in Jaipur.
In August, a minor girl was raped allegedly by an employee of the Public Health Engineering (PHE) department at Todabhim town in Rajasthan’s Karauli district, police informed earlier.
He said all parties have intensified their preparations in the run-up to the assembly elections, which are scheduled to be held by the end of this year.
Taking a further dig at the Gehlot government over ‘freebies’, the Union minister said, “Rajasthan leads the country currently when it comes to corruption. The government, which promised to provide 100 units of free electricity, is struggling to even ensure uninterrupted power supply to the people.”
Earlier, in June, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot announced free electricity on the consumption of up to 100 units per month, ahead of the state elections.
Joshi, who also holds the portfolio for Coal and Mines in the central cabinet, hit back at CM Gehlot, who earlier blamed the “non-supply” of coal from the Centre as a reason for the state not generating enough electricity for the people.
Rajasthan is among the five states that will go to assembly elections later this year along with Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana and Mizoram.