With the upcoming Lok Sabha polls just months away, the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) is intensifying its preparations under the leadership of BJP National President JP Nadda and Union Minister Amit Shah. A credible source within the party revealed that regular meetings, specifically on Tuesdays, will be held with National General Secretaries to strategize for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The party is poised to announce key individuals responsible for different states in the near future.
In a comprehensive move, the BJP has assigned top leaders to spearhead groups and initiatives crucial for electoral success. The Morcha Prabharis have undergone a reshuffle, and distinct committees have been formed for specific beneficiary groups, such as laborers (Labarthis). Additionally, a dedicated committee will focus on welcoming new party members expected to join ahead of the elections.
According to party sources, Tarun Chugh, the national general secretary, has been appointed as the Prabhari for Mahila self-help groups and NGOs. The committee structure for four significant castes, namely the Poor, farmers, youth, and women, reflects a strategic approach. For the Poor (SC/OBC), the responsibilities have been entrusted to Tarun Chugh and Vinod Tawde. Baijayant Jay Panda will oversee Mahila/Mahila Morcha, Sunil Bansal for Yuva/Yuva Morcha, and Sanjay Bandi for Farmers/Kisan Morcha.
Furthermore, specific Morcha responsibilities have been allocated, including ST Morcha to Radha Mohan Das Aggarwal, Minority Morcha to Dushyant Gautam, and Swanidhi scheme oversight to Arvind Menon. These appointments and structural adjustments highlight the BJP’s meticulous planning and focus on diverse constituencies and groups in the run-up to the crucial Lok Sabha elections.
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