A civil court in Bengaluru granted bail to Nikita Singhania, the spouse of techie Atul Subhash, along with her mother Nisha and brother Anurag. This comes after the police apprehended Nikita in Gurugram and Nisha and Anurag in Prayagraj. Atul, who was a software engineer, died by suicide, leaving behind a 24-page note and an 80-minute video that accused his wife and her family of harassment. He alleged that they pressured him and his family for financial support amidst divorce proceedings. Atul also pointed fingers at a family court judge in Jaunpur for ridiculing him and ignoring his perspective. His wife’s workplace encountered media scrutiny due to the situation. Atul’s note stated that his son was taken away from him and mentioned that his mother-in-law mocked him.
Atul Subhash was discovered hanging at his residence in Bengaluru. In the aftermath of the event, Nikita, Nisha, and Anurag submitted anticipatory bail applications at Allahabad High Court. The requests were made following the Bengaluru police’s summons for Nikita to appear.
Sources suggested that the day prior to Atul’s demise, Nikita had secured a PG in Gurugram, leaving her possessions behind but never residing there after December 8. Even though she continued to pay rent from December 9, Nikita neglected to return calls from the PG and did not finalize her verification process.