Suresh Chandrakar, the main suspect in the murder of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar, was arrested by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) in Hyderabad on Sunday. A postmortem examination revealed the shocking brutality of the crime. Mukesh had 15 fractures to his head, a broken neck, and his heart was removed.
Corruption Expose Behind the Murder
Suresh, a contractor, is believed to have orchestrated the murder after Mukesh exposed his alleged involvement in corruption. The journalist had investigated Suresh’s role in a road construction project. Suresh has been on the run since the murder was discovered on January 3.
Postmortem Shocks Medical Experts
Doctors who conducted the postmortem, with 12 years of experience, were stunned by the violence. They concluded that more than two people must have been involved due to the severity of the injuries.
Maoist Party Condemns the Killing
The Communist Party of India (Maoist), a banned group, condemned the murder. They praised Mukesh for his dedication to exposing corruption in Chhattisgarh’s road construction projects and called for a thorough investigation into the crime.
Mukesh’s Body Found in Septic Tank
On January 3, Mukesh’s body was found in a septic tank on Suresh Chandrakar’s property. He had been missing since January 1 after attending a meeting arranged by Suresh’s brother, Ritesh. Mukesh’s investigation into a Rs 120 crore road project in Bastar had led to a government inquiry into Suresh’s activities.
Arrests Made in Connection with the Murder
Three individuals have been arrested so far, including Dinesh and Ritesh Chandrakar, Suresh’s brothers. Suresh remains on the run, and police are continuing to question others linked to the case.