India celebrates National Mathematics Day every year on December 22. This day honors the birth anniversary of the renowned mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh announced this initiative on December 26, 2011, during Ramanujan’s 125th birth anniversary celebrations at Madras University. Since then, schools and universities nationwide organize events to mark this day. In 2017, the Ramanujan Math Park opened in Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, further emphasizing the day’s importance.
The Universal Fear of Mathematics
Math terrifies students across the world. It remains one of the most feared subjects in education. According to a PISA study of 15-year-olds in 38 OECD countries, 61% worry about their Math grades. Additionally, 59% feel stressed about attending Math classes. Furthermore, 33% fear their Math homework, while 30% feel helpless when solving problems.
Ramanujan’s Divine Connection to Mathematics
Ramanujan viewed mathematics as more than a subject. He believed it reflected the universe’s divine order. For him, equations were not abstract tools but a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. Moreover, he credited his mathematical brilliance to the goddess Namagiri. He often said she guided him in formulating groundbreaking theories.
Assam CM Pays Tribute to Srinivasa Ramanujan on His Birth Anniversary
Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma gave tribute on the birth anniversary of the legendary mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan through a heartfelt tweet on X. In his post, Sarma lauded Ramanujan’s remarkable contributions to the world of mathematics, highlighting his legacy as an inspiration for generations. The Chief Minister’s tribute emphasized the enduring relevance of Ramanujan’s work in modern mathematical research.
Merging Dharma and Science
In Indian philosophy, Dharma represents the cosmic order, encompassing spiritual and moral aspects of life. Ramanujan seamlessly blended this concept with mathematics. He showed that scientific exploration and spirituality can work together. His approach highlighted that science is not separate from faith; instead, it complements a deeper connection to the divine.
An Enduring Legacy of Harmony
Ramanujan’s life teaches an essential lesson. Knowledge, when paired with moral and spiritual values, can break boundaries. His legacy inspires us to see how faith and reason, often seen as opposites, can coexist. Together, they unlock the mysteries of the universe.
Through his dedication, Ramanujan demonstrated the Indian tradition of combining devotion with intellect. His contributions remind us that true scientific achievements often lead to divine understanding.