The National High School, a government-affiliated institution, is managed by the director of MCube Practical Classes, Manoj Mehta. The school is established close to Parshwanath Jain Derasar, Bhuyangdev, Ahmedabad. “It has been three wonderful years since the journey of making MCube Practical Classes the best perceived establishment began,” said Mehta.
According to the director, the fundamental mission of the institution is to offer value-based practical knowledge and shape the youth to spread light in the world through their insight and experience and be the best version of themselves in the future.
“We ensure that we provide a rich learning atmosphere where students can work courageously on all features of their character, be it physical, mental or scholarly. The practical institute works on addressing the requirements, expectations and dreams of the students,” he said.
MCube Practical has well-equipped labs for all subjects. It has modern scientific supplies with some of the best instructors. Since the institute is dedicated to practical classes, the labs are given utmost importance and kept up to date for the benefit of the students. The faculty is also a significant aspect of the establishment and the institution guarantees that the staff is experienced, skilful and able enough to draw out the best in their students.