In a shocking incident from Agra, Uttar Pradesh, a 24-year-old man named Roop Kishore, also known as Happy, has made an extraordinary claim of survival after being buried alive by four men over a land dispute. On July 18, Roop Kishore alleged that he was attacked by four individuals—Ankit, Gaurav, Karan, and Akash—in Agra’s Artoni area. The victim reported that the assailants had assaulted and strangled him before burying him on their farm, believing he was dead.
Despite being buried, Roop Kishore managed to survive. Stray dogs began to dig at the site where he was buried, which led to the man regaining consciousness when they bit him. Emerging from his makeshift grave, Roop Kishore walked to the nearest local community, who then helped him get medical attention at a hospital.
Roop Kishore’s mother has accused the four men of forcibly taking her son from their home. The police have launched a comprehensive investigation into the incident and are currently searching for the suspects, who are evading arrest.
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