In a swift and efficient operation, Jaipur Police successfully rescued a kidnapped man, Anuj, who had been abducted near Rajasthan’s Nahargarh Fort on August 18. The operation, dubbed “Operation Checkmate,” culminated in Anuj being found safe at a hotel in Solan, Himachal Pradesh. The rescue, captured on video, has since gone viral, garnering attention for its unexpected and amusing moments.
अनुज…जयपुर पुलिस
Related Newsजयपुर से 18 अगस्त को अनुज का अपहरण हुआ। किडनैपर मुंह पर टेप, हाथ-पैर बांधकर ले गए। फैमिली से 20 लाख फिरौती मांगी। पुलिस ने पहले आरोपियों को दबोचा, फिर हिमाचल प्रदेश के होटल में पहुंचकर अनुज को रिकवर किया। मास्टरमाइंड वीरेंद्र सिंह, सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियर है।
— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) August 27, 2024
The Rescue Operation: Anuj’s Surprising Reaction
The video begins with Jaipur Police officers entering a hotel room where Anuj was found asleep. As the officers approached, they called out, “Anuj, Anuj… khada ho jaa (Stand up),” waking him from his slumber. Initially confused, Anuj quickly recognized the officers, who reassured him by saying, “Police, police. Mast reh (Stay cool. We are the police). Hello.” Anuj, now fully awake, smiled and waved at the officers, clearly relieved to be rescued. The officers then told him, “Jaipur Police. Aapke liye hi aaye hain (We are here for you),” further calming the situation.
अनुज…जयपुर पुलिस
जयपुर से 18 अगस्त को अनुज का अपहरण हुआ। किडनैपर मुंह पर टेप, हाथ-पैर बांधकर ले गए। फैमिली से 20 लाख फिरौती मांगी। पुलिस ने पहले आरोपियों को दबोचा, फिर हिमाचल प्रदेश के होटल में पहुंचकर अनुज को रिकवर किया। मास्टरमाइंड वीरेंद्र सिंह, सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियर है।
— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) August 27, 2024
अनुज…जयपुर पुलिस
जयपुर से 18 अगस्त को अनुज का अपहरण हुआ। किडनैपर मुंह पर टेप, हाथ-पैर बांधकर ले गए। फैमिली से 20 लाख फिरौती मांगी। पुलिस ने पहले आरोपियों को दबोचा, फिर हिमाचल प्रदेश के होटल में पहुंचकर अनुज को रिकवर किया। मास्टरमाइंड वीरेंद्र सिंह, सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियर है।
— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) August 27, 2024
The Abduction: A Case of Mistaken Wealth
Anuj, a resident of Jaipur’s Brahmpuri area, was abducted on August 18 while walking near Nahargarh hill with his friend, Soni. The kidnappers, believing Anuj to be wealthy due to his appearance, forcibly taped his mouth shut, bound his limbs, and pushed him into a car, leaving Soni injured on the road. When Anuj failed to return home, his family grew worried and filed a missing person report with the police.
Ransom Demand and Police Intervention
The situation escalated when Anuj’s parents received a ransom demand of Rs 20 lakh. Jaipur Police immediately began tracing the ransom caller. The breakthrough came when the kidnappers instructed Anuj’s family to drop the ransom money near Dharampur railway station. Police staked out the location and successfully apprehended an accomplice sent to collect the money.
The Mastermind Behind the Kidnapping
During interrogation, the accomplice revealed Anuj’s location in Solan, leading the police to his rescue. Further investigation identified Virendra Singh, a software engineer, as the mastermind behind the kidnapping plot. Singh had orchestrated the abduction, mistakenly assuming Anuj’s wealth based on his attire.
The successful rescue operation and the viral video have drawn widespread praise for Jaipur Police, highlighting their promptness and efficiency in handling the case. The incident also serves as a reminder of the importance of swift police action in kidnapping cases.