The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) released its sixth list of 20 candidates for Gujarat Assembly elections, to be held in two phases on 1 and 5 December. So far, AAP has announced 73 candidates for Gujarat.
Earlier on 4 November, the AAP government announced Isudan Gadhvi, the party’s National Joint General Secretary as its chief ministerial candidate for the upcoming Gujarat Assembly elections. Gadhvi is also a member of AAP’s National Executive.
The party made this announcement following a crowdsourcing campaign under which the people of the state could give their opinion on a number and an email ID shared by the party until 5 pm, 3 November.
Delhi Chief Minister and AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal launched the campaign on 29 October asking people whom they wanted as their chief ministerial candidate.
Prior to the Assembly elections in Punjab, the AAP had conducted a survey in which Bhagwant Mann had been the clear popular choice. Mann went on to become the chief minister of the state.