The Andhra Pradesh police have booked two men for allegedly dumping mud on a mother-daughter duo who were trying to stage a sit-in protest over a property dispute in a village in Andhra Pradesh’s Srikakulam.
Sub Inspector of Mandasa police, Ravi Kumar, said that the police have booked and arrested the tractor driver Prakasa Rao, and a relative of the victim women Rama Rao, under section 307 (attempt to murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The police have identified the mother-daughter duo as Kotra Dalamma (70) and Majji Savitri (around 40) who were fighting for their land in Haripuram for the past few years. Seeking justice from the government officials, the duo has alleged Kotra Rama Rao (Savitri’s cousin), Ananda Rao and Prakash Rao of the same village for encroaching on the land.
The police mentioned that Dalamma and Savitri were trying to stage in protest on Monday as the latter’s cousin Kotra Rama Rao had begun construction on a vacant land whose ownership was under dispute and the women were trying to obstruct the tractor by pouring mud on the site. It was at this time when Rao allegedly instructed the tractor’s driver to dump mud on these two women as a result of which they got partially buried under the red gravel.
Notably, both parties registered various cases against each other after the land was distributed among Dalamma’s deceased husband and his siblings.
However, the two women are reportedly trying to claim their inheritance from their relatives.
Further information is awaited.